
この接頭辞は必ず覚えろ!【 bene-,  bon-,  mal- 】「良い、悪い」を意味する代表的な接頭辞だ!【 benefit,  benediction, benefactor,  benevolent,  bounty,  bonus,  malady,  malnutrition,  malignant,  malice,  malpractice 】こういった単語は見た瞬間に直感を働かせて意味を推測しろ!このような接頭辞を沢山覚えれば英単語は効率よく覚えられるぞ!

英単語の接頭辞 prefix は漢字の「へん、つくり」のようなもので、それ自体に意味があります。こういった接頭辞を沢山覚えることによって闇雲な単語暗記から解放されて効率的に単語学習ができるようになります。



今回は「良い、悪い」を意味する代表的な接頭辞 bene-,  bon-,  mal-

bene- : well, good 良い、正しい、適切

bon- : good 良い

mal- : bad, ill, wrong 悪い、病気の、誤った


benefit: 利益、恩恵

He received many benefits from the company because of his good sales performance.

benediction :  祝福

Those who do good in this world will receive God’s benediction in heaven.

benefactor :  恩人、後援者

Your inappropriate behavior will disappoint your benefactor.

benevolent :  優しい、好意的な

This church was built by a benevolent benefactor.

bounty :  奨励金、報奨金

Without an attractive bounty system, employees will not work hard.

bonus :  ボーナス

In the past, it was common for Japanese companies to pay bonuses twice a year.

malady :  病気、弊害

After the war, the malady of allowing universities too much autonomy have led to a decline in research capabilities.

malnutrition :  栄養失調

Many women and children in the refugee camp are suffering from malnutrition.

malignant :  悪意のある、悪性の

The new filtering systems are beginning to block malignant posts.

The thorough examination revealed that his tumor was not malignant.

malice :  悪意、恨み

Due to repeated unreasonable scolding, he began to harbor malice toward his superiors.

malpractice :  医療過誤、不正行為

There are many hospitals that have not yet established systems to prevent malpractice.

