
これも比較表現の定番だ!【not so much as, as good as, cannot so much as, as early as】 よく見かけるぞ!形容詞の原級を用いた慣用表現はこれだ!



形容詞や副詞の前にある as(so)は「イコール、同じくらい」を表す副詞、
後ろの as は「~と比べて」を表す接続詞と考えましょう。


1.as early as + 時「早くも」

2.cannot so much as + 動詞「~さえできない」

3.not so much A as B「AというよりむしろBだ」

4.as ~ as ever + 動詞「古来稀な、並外れた」

5.without so much as Ving「~さえしないで」

6.as ~ as ever「相変わらず」

7.as good as「~も同然」

8.as ~ as one look「見かけ通り」


1.as early as + 時「早くも」


As early as the beginning of the 20th century, Japan had already joined the great world powers.

The cherry blossoms at the Hida Gokoku Shrine bloomed as early as April 8th.


2.cannot so much as + 動詞「~さえできない」

He cannot so much as stand up.

He cannot so much as read Chinese characters, let alone write them.


3.not so much A as B「AというよりむしろBだ」

The situation he finds himself in is not so much as a tragedy as a comedy.

He is not so much as a university professor as a television personality.


※これは A rather than B に置き換えることができます。

He is a television personality rather than a university professor.

4.as ~ as ever + 動詞「古来稀な、並外れた」

He is as great a Major Leaguer as ever lived.

This painting is as stunning a masterpiece as I have ever seen.

5.without so much as Ving「~さえしないで」

 I like you when you part from without so much as saying “See you later”.

You shouldn’t eat breakfast without so much as washing your face.


6.as ~ as ever「相変わらず」

The peaks of Hida which I had not visited for half a century were as divine as ever.

It’s been a while, but my master is as agile as ever with his bamboo sword.

7.as good as「~も同然」

The Second-hand laptop I bought online recently was as good as new.

Such a withdrawal would be as good as being defeated by the armed group.

8.as ~ as one look「見かけ通り」

She is as nice as she looks.

The inside of the building was as dilapidated as looks.





入試に必ず出てくるぞ!比較表現は英文法の最難関だ!【 the more~, the more, all the better, none the less】しっかり覚えてこの山を乗り越えろ!【 junior to, senior to, superior to, inferior to, prior to 】といったラテン語由来の than を使わない表現も確認!ぜひ身につけたい比較級を使った表現(その1)

比較表現は少し難しい。 気合を入れて取り組みたい文法単元です。 今回は、ぜひ覚えておきたい比較級を使った表現。 形容詞の比 …

これは大学受験に出る「比較表現」の定番問題だ!だから必ず覚えろ! 比較級、最上級を強調する【much, far, even, still, a lot, by far 】「断然~だ。」という表現はこれだけ知ってればOKだ!

比較級や最上級を強調する「ずっと~」「断然~」「ずば抜けて~」といった表現もよくTOEICや英検の問題に出されますので確認しておきたいところ …

これは入試に必ず出るから曖昧にしておくな!【 no more than と no less than 】【 not more than と not less than 】比較表現の定番問題だ!話し手の期待感とがっかり感を表現しているぞ!その意味の違いがこれでハッキリ分かるはずだ!

比較表現は英文法の中で最も難しい項目だと思います。 例えば長文中に分詞構文や関係詞、倒置の表現が出て来ても何となく読めてしまうことがあ …