
穴埋め問題でよく出るから注意しろ!【 arm, arms, air, airs, ash, ashes, custom, customs, force, forces, advice, advices, good, goods, manner, manners, sand, sands, ruin, ruins, spectacle, spectacles, work, works, color, colors, day, days, pain, pains, quarter, quarters, spirit, spirits 】単数形と複数形では意味が全然違う!代表的な単語はコレだ!





1.arm(腕) arms(武器)

2.ash(灰) ashes(遺骨、灰塵)

3.custom(習慣) customs(税関)

4.force(力) forces(軍隊、軍事力)

5.advice(忠告) advices(通知)

6.air(空気) airs(気取り)

7.good(善、幸福、利益) goods(商品)

8.manner(方法) manners(行儀)

9.sand(砂) sands(砂漠、砂浜)

10.ruin(破滅) ruins(遺跡、廃墟)

11.spectacle(光景) spectacles(めがね)

12.work(仕事) works(作品、工場)

13.color(色) colors(旗色、軍旗)

14.day(日) days(時代)

15.pain(痛み、苦痛) pains(苦労、骨折り)

16.quarter(1/4) quarters(区域)

17.spirit(精神) spirits(酒、気分)


1.arm(腕) arms(武器)

In anger, she took the man by the arm.


“Farewell to Arms” is Hemingway’s masterpiece.

He held his wounded little sister in his arms.

2.ash(灰) ashes(遺骨、灰塵)

Cigarette ash was scattered on the table.

The town of Taketa returned to ashes in the Satsuma Rebellion.

3.custom(習慣) customs(税関、関税)

My wife makes it her custom to take a shower in the morning.

The US government has imposed heavy customs on Chinese products.

4.force(力) forces(軍隊、軍事力)

“Believe in your force! My son.”


The Japanese government has decided to use forces to defend the islands.


5.advice(忠告) advices(通知)

Inoue’s advice to Tetsutaro was that he play fairly anyway.

I received notices from the city to be vaccinated at the designated venue.

6.air(空気) airs(気取り)

This soccer ball needs some air. It’s too soft to kick.

Shinobu put on airs of indifference to him at all.

7.good(幸福、利益) goods(商品)

She told that for her sons’ own good.

Various goods are sold in the morning market in Takayama.


8.manner(方法) manners(行儀、風習、作法)

The life as a samurai can be seen in the manner of his death.

Toyota employees are trained in the Ogasawara style manners.

9.sand(砂) sands(砂漠、砂浜)

Ouch! I got sand in my eye.
「痛い! 目に砂が入った。」

After exiting the jungle, they saw miles of white sands.


10.ruin(破滅) ruins(遺跡、廃墟)

“Oh John! You have ruined my dish since you added salt.”

The ruins of a town by the volcanic eruption.

11.spectacle(光景) spectacles(めがね)

A magnificent spectacle of Mt. Norikura seen from Takayama City in winter.

“Where are my spectacles?” Grandpa asked, putting it on his head.


12.work(仕事、会社、職場) works(作品、工場)

Work with all your concentration in any fight!

When do you leave for work.


The pictures on the wall are my son’s own works.


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is famous for many ironworks.


13.color(色) colors(旗色、軍旗)

“What color is your boyfriend’s car? “ ”It’s violet.”
「ねえ、彼氏の車何色?」 「紫色よ。」

Nobunaga yelled. “Will you be an ally or an enemy? Clarify your colors! “
「信長は叫んだ。『味方になるか敵につくか? お主の旗色を明らかにせい! 』」

14.day(日) days(時代)

“What day of the week today?”

The days go around, repeating encounters and farewells.

15.pain(痛み、苦痛) pains(苦労、骨折り)

It caused my wife a great deal of pain to part with the rooster Piiko at that time.

Foreign Minister Komura Jutaro at the time made a great effort to conclude the Treaty of Portsmouth.


16.quarter(1/4) quarters(区域)

“What’s the time? “  “It’s a quarter after five.”

There was a huge pleasure quarters behind Sensoji Temple at that time.


17.spirit(精神) spirits(酒、気分)

The people thought that Lindberg’s feat embodied the American spirit.

Bringing spirits into this dormitory is strictly prohibited.




みんな軍事用語を知らなさすぎ!【 major, sergeant, captain, private, regiment, company, division, private, platoon, squad, infantry, artillery, medic, logistics 】日常会話でも普通に使われるぞ! ぜひ知っておきたいミリタリー英語だ!こんなことは世界の常識なのに日本人は知らなさすぎだ!

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