
勘違いするな!これは接続詞ではないぞ!【once, the moment, the instant, directly】  接続詞ではないけれど「時」を表す副詞節をつくる慣用表現はこれだけ覚えれば完璧だ!








She will be out of control once she loses her temper.

Once you get the hang of it, your skills will soon improve to the point of being second to none.




Instantly an enemy mortar shell landed on their position, the platoon counterattacked the enemy position.

He raised his hand instantly the teacher asked a question.




Immediately he took office as a minister, the media began an intensive attack on him.

Immediately they came to power, they set to work drafting a new constitution.




Directly she received the acceptance letter, she immediately went through the admission process.

Directly he returned to the office, he headed for the president’s office.


5.the moment「~したとたん、~する瞬間に」


He changed into his work clothes the moment he woke up.

They fell on the floor the moment they heard the gunshot.


6.the instant「~して即刻」


He was fired the instant the embezzlement was discovered.

The instant they received the report of the accident, the relevant departments immediately devised countermeasures.

7.the minute「~するや否や」


The minute he changed his policies, public opinion of him started to decline.

The minute the news came out, the stock price began to rise.


8.every time「~するたびごとに」


Every time my dad starts preaching, it always gets longer.

It always rains every time you come to watch the games.


9.each time「~すると毎度」


Each time that customer comes in, he stays longer.

Each time Halley’s Comet appears, a major historical event occurs.

10. the first time「最初に~した時は」


The first time I saw what he said and did, I thought what a frivolous man he was.

The first time I went to Fukuoka, I loved its urban atmosphere.


11. the last time「前回~した時に」


The last time I passed this road, these street trees were still low.

The last time I faced that pitcher, I couldn’t deal with the fastball and struck out.


12. the next time「今度~するときに」


The next time you come to Takayama, I recommend you also visit the Utsue 48 Waterfalls.

The next time you see him, tell him I said hello.



【倒置表現】は入試に必出だ!絶対に覚えろ!【 never, only, scarcely, hardly, rarely, no sooner, seldom, little, at no time, only 】 「否定の副詞の後は倒置する。」なぜひっくり返ってSVがVSになるんだ?「言いたいことを先に持ってくる」この「英語の大原則」がその理由だ!

英語では普通、文は主語(S)+述語動詞(V)の順番で語が並びますが、時々これがV+Sとひっくり返ることがあります。 助動詞や動詞が主語 …

これは入試に頻出だ!【 needless to say, to say nothing of, not to speak of, let alone, not to mention, It goes without saying 】「~は言うまでもない」という表現はこれだけを頭に叩き込め!

英語の勉強というのは決して暗記科目ではないと思っていますが、ところどころに実際そのまま暗記してしまった方がよろしい単元もあります。 今回は …

注意しろ!これは名詞じゃないぞ!【 downtown, uptown, next door, indoors, outdoors, upstairs, downstairs, abroad, overseas 】つい名詞と思ってしまいがちな副詞だ!作文の時に注意しろ!前置詞は不要だ!

英文を理解していく上で、ある単語がどの品詞であるかを判別することはとても大事なことです。 今回はそんな単語の中でもつい名詞だと勘違いし …

みんな軍事用語を知らなさすぎ!【 major, sergeant, captain, private, regiment, company, division, private, platoon, squad, infantry, artillery, medic, logistics 】日常会話でも普通に使われるぞ! ぜひ知っておきたいミリタリー英語だ!こんなことは世界の常識なのに日本人は知らなさすぎだ!

今回は知っているようであまり知られていない、そして分かっているようで分かる人が少ないミリタリー関連の言葉を紹介します。ただし、あくまで基礎的 …

入試に出るからしっかり確認しておけ!これが not や no がない否定表現の代表だ!【 the last, anything but, far from, fail to, be yet to, remain to, free from, let alone, the last, in vain, beyond, only to fail, know better than to, be above doing, more than 】これだけ覚えればもう完璧だぞ!

今回は”not”や”no”といった否定語が無く、一見肯定文のようで実は否定を意味する表現の代表的なものを集めてみました。 以下の1 …