
何となくわかった気になるな!この因果関係を明確にしろ!【because of, on account of, thanks to, due to, owing to, from, of, over, through, with】「~のために」「~のせいで」といった原因や理由の表現、前置詞のニュアンスはこう理解しろ!






1.because of


I’ve got mold on my laundry because of the long rainy days.

Land prices in this area tend to drop these days because of repeated flooding.


2.on account of

※because of 同様「~ために」因果関係を説明する。

Hundreds of cars were stranded on the highway on account of the record-breaking snowfall.

No one advises him on account of his repeated talking back.


3.due to


Her excellent leadership skills are due to her years of experience in the business.

The area around Shin-Yokohama Station has seen a rapid increase in population due to rapid housing development.


4.thanks to


Thanks to your home run, we managed to win the game.

※thanks to は悪い意味でも使われます。

“We lost the game thanks to your error.”
“You’re a total asshole to say such a thing.”
※asshole はスラング。自分からは使わないようにしましょう。

5.owing to


The company lost most of its profits for the current fiscal year owing to the court ruling.

Nowadays,  Jobs in the area have been extremely scarce owing to Coronavirus.



Setsuko grew weaker and weaker every day from malnutrition.

My mother died from heart disease seven years ago.




I’m tired of working for this company.

His father died of wounds received in the Battle of Mukden after being demobilized.

※ from は直接的、of は間接的と書きましたが明確な区別はないようです。



The couple next door seem to be fighting a lot over the education of their children.

When I came home, my son was crying over having toys taken away by sister.




Their argument had started through a completely trivial and ridiculous misunderstanding.

The young brothers rushed into the house through fear of the thunder nearby.


10. with


I’ve been lying down for the last two days with terrible back pain.

I’ve been taking medication all this season with hay fever.




入試に出るからしっかり確認しておけ!これが not や no がない否定表現の代表だ!【 the last, anything but, far from, fail to, be yet to, remain to, free from, let alone, the last, in vain, beyond, only to fail, know better than to, be above doing, more than 】これだけ覚えればもう完璧だぞ!

今回は”not”や”no”といった否定語が無く、一見肯定文のようで実は否定を意味する表現の代表的なものを集めてみました。 以下の1 …

【 as 】がわからなければ長文は読めない!イコール「=」のイメージを頭に叩き込むんだ!【as】の意味ならこれだけ覚えれば大丈夫だ!しょっちゅう出てくるこの単語の訳し方は反射的に体で覚えろ!

英語の文章を読んでいると本当によく出てきます。この”as"という単語。非常に短い言葉ですが、実は英語をクリアに理解する上で非常に大事なもので …

入試に必ず出てくるぞ!【 apply, attend, impatient, known, engage, true, care, correspond, oneself, inquire】 前後の前置詞が意味を変えてしまう紛らわしい単語の代表がこれだ!これは知識と運用力を問われるぞ!しっかり読んで頭に叩き込むんだ!

今回は前回に引き続き、「一見似たように見える熟語でも形容詞や動詞とセットになる前置詞によって全然違う意味になってしまう代表的な熟語」の2回目 …