
これは入試に必出だ!しっかり頭に叩き込め!【above, the last, free form, anything but, fail to】 否定語の no や not のない否定表現はこれだけ覚えておけば完璧だ!

否定語[ no,  not ] を含まない否定の表現についてまとめてみました。




2.anything but~「決して~ではない」


4.far from~「~どころではない」「~ほど遠い」

5.free from~「~がない」

6.fail to~「~しそこねる」

7.the last~to…「決して…しそうにない~」

8.the last~that…「決して…しそうにない~」





My boyfriend is above bragging about his academic background in public.

She is above changing her previous claim to win the election.

2.anything but~「決して~ではない」

※but は「~を除く」という意味の前置詞。

He is anything but a patriot,  in fact he is even suspected of being a spy to benefit that country.

He is anything but a cold-blooded dictator. His life shows us that he is an open-minded philanthropist.



His performance this season is beyond expectations of many baseball pundits.

As a newcomer, his ability to calculate and his speed of understanding was beyond expectations of his seniors and managers.

4.far from~「~どころではない」「~ほど遠い」

Being too busy with the job at hand, I am far from getting married right now. Mom.

With your current academic ability, you are far from the level to be accepted by a national university.


5.free from~「~がない」

Residents of the country are free from being required to pay taxes due to the ample profits from oil exports.

Norikura and the Kamikochi area are free from air pollution because of the restrictions on diesel vehicles.

6.fail to~「~しそこねる」

In the early days of their marriage, they often failed to understand each other because respective upbringings were so different.

Because of his personality problems, such as making power harassment against government officials, he failed to gain the support of many in the party.

7.the last~to…「決して…しそうにない~」

※to 不定詞の to。

As a child, he seemed like a man with stage fright and the last person to enter the entertainment world.

8.the last~that…「決して…しそうにない~」

※that 以下は関係代名詞節。

He is awkward, and the last guy that wants to talk to girls at a party.




これは入試に頻出だ!【 needless to say, to say nothing of, not to speak of, let alone, not to mention, It goes without saying 】「~は言うまでもない」という表現はこれだけを頭に叩き込め!

英語の勉強というのは決して暗記科目ではないと思っていますが、ところどころに実際そのまま暗記してしまった方がよろしい単元もあります。 今回は …

入試に出るから絶対覚えろ!【 agree, anxious, ask, familiar, tired, call, compare, consist, deal, air 】 前後に置かれた前置詞ですっかり意味が変わってしまう紛らわしい単語の代表格だ!こういった単語は前置詞とセットで覚えないと使えないんだ!しっかり読んで頭に叩き込め!

一見すると似たように見える熟語でも形容詞や動詞とセットになる前置詞によって全然違う意味になってしまう代表的な熟語について。 TOEIC …

【 as 】がわからなければ長文は読めない!イコール「=」のイメージを頭に叩き込むんだ!【as】の意味ならこれだけ覚えれば大丈夫だ!しょっちゅう出てくるこの単語の訳し方は反射的に体で覚えろ!

英語の文章を読んでいると本当によく出てきます。この”as"という単語。非常に短い言葉ですが、実は英語をクリアに理解する上で非常に大事なもので …